

This class is for children ages 8-12 with overall good gross motor skills who are able to perform fast paced more complex activities with fair to good social interaction skills. These children will require intermittent assistance and spotting during gross motor skills activities but overall will be able to follow directions and mimic motions well and copy peers adequately. They may have low muscle tone and lack finesse and coordination with room for improvement in these areas, but have overall competency to not require hands on assistance frequently. This class will move at a faster pace than all of the other classes at Obstacle Crushers and will become as advanced as the children comprising the class will be able to achieve. The Alligator class will work heavily on turn taking and teamwork along with honing in on individual strengths to expand their fitness level and allow them to reach their full potential. This class will work heavily on balance/proprioception activities in a fun and adventurous way. Class-size up to 8 children. Alligators will meet twice a week for one hour each session. 

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